My Pitbull Puppy Is Timid

Raising and training a pup to be people-friendly is the second most important goal of pet-dog husbandry. Remember, teaching bite inhibition is always the most important goal. But during your pup's.
My pitbull puppy is timid. Getting our Pitbull puppy in 2 weeks and I’m so excited!!! Our good friends bully/Pitbull had pups back in December and we are thankful enough to get our hands on one of them. I’m ecstatic! So…(SHE) is mostly black all over, with white paws, a small white patch on back of neck, and small white patch on top of head. Potty training a Pitbull puppy is easy to do if you know how to do it. These pups are eager to please, more so than some other breeds, and you can use that to your advantage. Practice positive reinforcement, constant praise, and lots of patience, and you’ll find that your potty training experience will go surprisingly smoothly. It gives you control of your puppy at all times. Establishing Rules will Eliminate 90% of the Problems New Pit Bull Owners Face. Rule #3: The puppy is fed on a tight schedule. Free feeding a puppy is bad news and without this set schedule of feeding potty training will be a lot harder. If you want to teach a dog to “shake,” you have to associate that behavior with a reward until the dog instinctively knows, “If I do this with my paw, something good happens.” Affection is a Reward. To our dogs, affection is a reward. By comforting a fearful dog, you are rewarding what it’s doing in that moment: being scared.
Sad Puppy The owner of a somewhat timid, sad puppy says: My pitbull puppy is being a cry baby and a wuss. My pit bull puppy (terrier, dad and blue nose, … My pit bull puppy (terrier, dad and blue nose, … Then, when the puppy is 4 months old, you also want to know the 4 month old pitbull puppy weight that is normal. The normal weight of pitbull puppy at this age is around 25 to 50 lbs. The age of 12 to 16 weeks, your puppy will be more independent. It also will be more protective and territorial and have a stronger resurgence. A common reason for fear in dogs is a lack of positive exposure to new people, animals and environments during the critical fear period of the puppy socialization process. This important developmental stage in a puppy’s life occurs between 8 and 16 weeks of age, when pups need to have a variety of pleasant interactions with the world around them. Your dog may be afraid of other dogs due to a lack of socialization.In other words, your dog didn't have enough contact with other dogs when it was a puppy. This can occur in dogs that were separated from their siblings very early on and who don't know any other dogs in their adopted family. Adult dogs can be socialized, but it's more difficult than training a puppy.
The owner of a somewhat timid, sad puppy says: My pitbull puppy is being a cry baby and a wuss. My pit bull puppy (terrier, dad and blue nose, mom. 3 months and some weeks)) is being a real wuss about things. He lets our kitten bully him, and my other puppy (shi-tzu mixed with chihuahua,7 months. Same size as him in height but not weight. See How the Puppy Reacts . The pup's response to fear depends on the circumstances and how confident (or not) the pup may be. When the opportunity is available, most pups run away or try to hide from the threat. why would my pitbull puppy be nervous? my wife and my pitbll puppy ruby is very nervous she shakes when she gets around people and then tries to hide could any one tell me why this is. Answer Save. 2 Answers. Relevance. Julie. Lv 7. 1 decade ago. Favorite Answer. The key to introducing your Pit Bull (especially if they already have a tendency for dog aggression) is to have the dogs meet by taking a walk in a neutral area (i.e. somewhere either dog has ever been before).
Pit bull puppies are warm, cuddly blank slates. Raising a well-mannered, good-tempered dog is a challenge for any owner. If you study facts about your breed, do research regarding the care and training of pit bulls and follow the experts' advice, you will have a better chance for a great result. You will attain the satisfaction and joy of owning a loyal, calm and mature dog that you will be. I have a question. My boyfriend and I purchased an eleven week old pit yesterday (8-26-10). Capone is very timid and seems to be afraid to be outside. Once he hits the concrete it's like a deer in headlights (he's frozen). I've had to carry him from the car inside petsmart, our apts, etc. A puppy who takes more than 1-2 seconds to recover from mild hesitation, makes repeated escape attempts to remove himself from a situation or interaction, or who refuses delicious food or treats in certain situations is showing signs of fear. We have listed a few "red flags" for which you can monitor during your puppy's first few months of life. How to Help Your Timid Dog. Socializing your dog when he’s a puppy is, of course, the ideal. “Lack of socialization can lead to all kinds of concerns in the adult dog, which is why behaviorists make a big push for people to socialize their dogs before the age of 14 to 16 weeks,” Stelow says.