My Lab Puppy Is Sleeping All Day

Dogs of all ages like to sleep near their people, and some become anxious if they're separated all night. If your dog is house-trained, you can establish his sleeping spot anywhere you'd like. Put his dog bed or special blanket in a corner of the bedroom, or somewhere near his sleeping family. Some pet parents allow their pups to sleep in bed.
My lab puppy is sleeping all day. There are no hard and fast guidelines for how much sleep a puppy should get, but it's generally a little more than a full-grown dog. For example, an adult dog who sleeps 12 to 16 hours each day would probably sleep closer to 15 or 20 hours per day as a 12-week-old puppy. While breed, age and size are all influential factors, so is activity. Although puppies are little bundles of energy, they usually sleep 18-20 hours a day. One minute your puppy may be a miniature tornado, and the next he’s fallen soundly asleep, almost mid-dash. 1. Help them get plenty of exercise during the day. One of my favorite sayings is, “A tired puppy is a good puppy!” Stimulate your puppy’s mind and body with age-appropriate activities and toys, like the KONG Puppy Dog Toy, during the day.A top-rated puppy product from is the Puppy Goody Box, which is filled with toys and chews for young dogs. Above all, be sure to buy a bed that meets your individual dog’s needs. When It’s Time to Seek Out Professional Help. If your dog’s sleeping habits change suddenly, take note. If it’s just a day or two, you can probably let it go.
First allow some rest, and if the problem persists, get your puppy checked by the vet. Trauma is another biggie, and as young bones are soft, this can mean fractures. If the dog’s leg is at a strange angle or won’t bear weight, seek an urgent appointment. In this article, we’ll explore common puppy sleeping habits and how much sleep your puppy really needs. Puppy sleeping habits. We all know that puppies are full of life—and mischievousness! But exploring the world is hard work and puppies need a lot of sleep to balance out the energy they spend when learning. Night time sleeping habits. Puppies sleeping a lot isn't cause for concern. Puppy sleep hours can range from 18 to 20 a day, versus the 14 hours of daily sleep by an adult dog. This is because puppies are growing and they need their rest. For example, a puppy tends to sleep up to 16 to 18 hours a day, since growing up takes up a lot of energy. Older dogs spend almost the same amount of time asleep as puppies, which can be due to a.
All his adult teeth will be in place. During this period of physical development, your dog will mature sexually. By around 5 months of age, a male puppy can produce sperm; by about 6 months, a female is capable of producing her first litter. Talk with your veterinarian about spaying or neutering your puppy as soon as poosible. I never knew a dog could sleep so completely until I had my lab. She even seemed to sleep with all her heart and soul. She would rush around and play, then all would go quiet and I would find her asleep under the table, sometimes her paws would be twitching as if she were still running around and she would be making little puppy growly sounds. ” Excitement, anxiety, fear, pain or even happy anticipation can all increase your pets respiratory rate via the limbic system of its brain.”~Dr. Ron Hines. My Puppy is Breathing Fast When Sleeping “Help, my puppy is breathing really fast while sleeping!” This was a call we often used to get at the veterinary clinic. Owning a puppy is a trying time. You have to learn how to train them, feed them, play with them, and more, and you’re still probably going to be worried all the time. In some ways, it’s like having a baby for the first time! Once, I noticed my puppy breathing fast while sleeping. I had no idea what was going on and was scared, so I did some.
As your puppy grows, they should be better able to hold it overnight around 16 to 18 weeks of age (and sometimes older for toy or small breeds). Pro Tip: If your puppy is waking up around the same time each night needing to use the bathroom, set your alarm 15 - 30 minutes beforehand. Give them a quick potty break and then head back to bed. Some people worry that their puppy is not sleeping enough – or that he is sleeping too much!. happy to sleep all day and wanting to play all night. Reply. Amy January 16, 2015 at 3:56 am. I got my puppy when he was 8 weeks. He was taken away from his mother around 6 weeks to be weaned.. Also my lab usually gobbled down his entire bowl. Puppy Adolescence Has Arrived. Just when you thought it was all getting easier, your puppy turns into a little monster! At roughly 7 months of age, your puppy is hitting the peak of adolescence. Puppy hood is full of hoops, hurdles, and challenges, and puppy adolescence is one of the most challenging stages to navigate through. Our 3 month old red fox Lab Ted has 2 x 15min gentle walks per day and started weekly 45 min puppy training classes yesterday evening. Last night he slept 9.5 hrs (he sleeps in a crate downstairs) – we were beginning to think there was something wrong with him!