My Shih Tzu Puppy Eats His Poop

My shih tzu also eats poop, but he eats his brothers not his own. We asked the vet what we should do and he gave us some powder stuff to put in his brothers and his food so that the poop tastes gross to him but it didn't work. He still does it occassionally.
My shih tzu puppy eats his poop. The Shih Tzu has a long and distinguished history. They are on the list of oldest dog breeds, and analysis of bones unearthed in China proves that they have been around since 8,000 B.C. Royal families often kept these regal animals as pets, and different types of writing, art, and paintings found over the years portray just how important these precious animals were to those who owned them. Shih Tzus may find their pop delicious or aromatic that’s why they eat them without any second thoughts. This habit of Shih Tzu is definitely unappealing but as dog lovers we need to help our pets get rid of this habit to avoid them from getting sick. Their dog house must b clean always so that they will not get tempted to eat their poop. Puppy food is chock full of vitamins, nutrients and calories, so if the puppy doesn’t need all of them, they are potentially coming out in the poop, making it more palatable to the puppy. I usually wait until after 6-8 months and the puppy will need to be well-fleshed or a little chubby and I will be certain the adult food is very high quality. I recently bought a cute little shih-tzu puppy and I was totally in love with him, until we saw him eat his own poop. I found out that this was called Coprophagia. I have tried a lot of things to keep him from eating his poop. I tried feeding him pumpkin, saying "NO!" very firmly, distracting him, and putting hot sauce on his feces. None of these worked except the hot sauce.
Most new owners are delighted by puppy antics, but a puppy that eats poop prompts anything but smiles. It could be any animal's feces, too. From its stool to your cat's litter box deposits to a neighboring horse's or cow's manure, some puppies don't discriminate when it comes to poo they're willing to eat. Shih Tzu Depression. Dogs are very attached to humans. You can feel this all the way more if you have a Shih Tzu back at home. They love to get cozy and constantly crave for your attention. This is because Shih Tzus are cuddlers! If you think your munchkin will bark, hunt and scare people, then you are wrong. I have recently got a ShihTzu she is now just over 3 months old. We have two other Shih Tzu girls who are 8+9 yrs and never eaten poop. We caught the puppy doing it after having her for about a week. She is full of personality very quick to learn sit, stay, wait and is good on the lead so adorable but eats poop. The Autocoprophagia, that is, when a Shih Tzu is eating their own poop. The Intraspecific Coprophagia, which happens when a Shih Tzu eats the waste of another dog. The Interspecific Coprophagia, one in which a Shih Tzu eats the dung of other animals such as cats. Symptoms of Coprophagia. Below are some common symptoms of Coprophagia in Shih Tzus:
My Shih Tzu dog is very well fed but still eats her poop/ other dog poop. Any reason why? You should have a decal exam performed. By your veterinarian to make sure there are no intestinal parasites. Also it will be up to you to make sure you keep her away from her poop and clean up her... My 12 week old Shih Tzu puppy also eats his poop. Because of the hurricanes down here in Florida, I've mat/paper trained him so he wouldn't get rained on or blown away, anyway, he eats his poop when I'm not around. Not only that, but he will poop OUTSIDE his cage, and then pick up his poop and eat it inside his cage/bed. Your dog won’t ever touch his poop again when you do this! Whatever method you have chosen to stop your shih tzu from eating his poop, it is a must that you remain consistent with that strategy. You should not forget to do it each and every time he eats his poop so he can be able to practice the right habits. My Dog Eats Poop There is nothing worse than being greeted by your dog with breath that smells like poop. Coprophagia is the name given to the habit of eating stools-either the dog’s own or another animal’s. Cats’ stools seem particularly tempting to dogs.
How to stop my Shih Tzu from eating poop. You can add natural products like Pineapple or Papaya juice or you can use pills from your veterinarian that will make your dog's poop taste and smell bad. You can also train your dog to leave poop alone, we discuss all the methods and which is best for your dog. Puppy food is chock full of vitamins, nutrients, and calories, so if the puppy doesn’t need all of them, they are potentially coming out in the poop, making it more palatable to the puppy. I usually wait until after 6-8 months and the puppy will need to be well-fleshed or a little chubby and I will be certain the adult food is very high quality. Shih Tzus are an affectionate and outgoing breed. However, they can definitely get stressed and anxious about the world around them. Being an effective dog parent includes knowing when your Shih Tzu is nervous or fearful, so you can help them to relax. The following are 5 signs that your Shih Tzu is stressed: #1 – Whining If your Shih Tzu is stressed, he may whine. Usually the whining is. Frozen poop, in particular, is gulped down with relish! (There is a reason why dog owners have coined the term “poopsicle.”) In his study, Hart made some other observations about why dogs eat.