Mountain Dew Energy Drink Commercial Puppy Monkey Baby

A terrifying creation with the legs of a baby, the body of a monkey and the head of a pug, the puppymonkeybaby needs to do little more than announce its own existence and distribute Mountain Dew.
Mountain dew energy drink commercial puppy monkey baby. Mountain Dew Puppy Monkey Baby: The Kickstart Super Bowl Commercial for 2016 features a dancing puppymonkeybaby. Watch the weird, funny MTN DEW superbowl ad here. The Mountain Dew Super Bowl commercial is one of this year’s weirdest ads, but once you see it, guaranteed you’ll want to watch it again. The 30-second clip shows an odd-looking creature—a combination of puppy’s head, a monkey’s torso, and baby legs—called, well, a “puppy monkey baby.” Say hello to the puppy-monkey-baby, the weird face of Mountain Dew Kickstart energy drink. Read: Ape and Slow-Moving Tortoise Predict Who Will Win Super Bowl The animal, which carries a rattle and a bucket of ice cold Kickstart, chants "puppy-monkey-baby" over and over while offering some young men one of the purple cans. The TV commercial for Mtn Dew Kickstart - a beverage that fuses three awesome things – DEW, real fruit juice and a kick of caffeine – stars a quirky, endearing character that is also comprised of three awesome things fans love in a Super Bowl commercial – a puppy, a monkey and a baby. About Mountain Dew
Besides, the puppy monkey baby monstrosity does illustrate the three parts of the new Kickstart drink. Just as the little hellbeast is created from three different creatures, the beverage is a. Mountain Dew is sharing it’s bizarre new ad called “Puppy, Monkey, Baby,” as TODAY offers a sneak peek at some of this weekend’s upcoming Super Bowl commercials. Feb. 3, 2016 Read More The Puppy-monkey-baby phenomenon was a calculated move by Mountain Dew. They knew exactly the kind of hype and confusion that such a commercial would cause. They also knew the level of exposure. The premise: Mountain Dew is not the first company to riff on the fact that the best Super Bowl commercials contain either a puppy, a monkey or a baby. Support our journalism. Subscribe today.
That being said, the puppy monkey baby commercial is a terrifying and confusing advertisement for the Mountain Dew Kickstart energy drink. The ad depicts a pug/monkey/baby hybrid serving Kickstarts to three guys watching TV. The hybrid continuously says “Puppy monkey baby” as if it were some kind of weird Pokemon. The commercial ends by. Ostensibly promoting Mountain Dew’s “KickStart” energy drink, it involves a creepy and deranged small creature made from the parts of a puppy, monkey, and baby dancing around a living room. The commercial shows friends hanging out, drinking the new Kickstart drink, when the hybrid shows up (and starts scaring all of us).. Mountain Dew’s Puppy Monkey Baby Commercial Scares Super. Mountain Dew’s combination of three awesome things in their newest drink materialized itself in the form of “Puppy Monkey Baby,” a new creature that combines three apparently other great things.
With brands like Monster Energy, Red Bull and Rockstar leading the segment, it is natural for PepsiCo and Coca Cola to attempt get a slice of the big pie. Product – The advertisement I stumbled upon, which led to my discovery of Kickstart was the Puppy-Monkey-Baby ad. This ad shows Kickstart = Dew + Coffee + Juice. A commercial featuring a pug-baby-ape hybrid will likely be the. the weird face of Mountain Dew Kickstart energy drink.. chants "puppy-monkey-baby" over and over while offering some young. Mountain Dew (stylized as Mtn Dew) is a carbonated soft drink brand produced and owned by PepsiCo.The original formula was invented in 1940 by Tennessee beverage bottlers Barney and Ally Hartman. A revised formula was created by Bill Bridgforth in 1958. The rights to this formula were obtained by the Tip Corporation of Marion, Virginia. William H. "Bill" Jones of the Tip Corporation further. Mountain Dew presents its very unique definition of three awesome things combined in time for Super Bowl 50: a "puppymonkeybaby." Three friends who planned to just chill on the couch for the night get quite an unexpected surprise. An actual puppymonkeybaby -- a creature with the legs of a baby, the tail of a monkey and the head of a puppy -- marches in with a bucket of Mountain Dew Kickstart.