My Shih Tzu Puppy Has A Hernia

My dog is a shih tzu mix and has an umbilical hernia (he's 3 and a shelter dog, he had it when I got him). Normally they're repaired when the dog is spayed or neutered. My dog's hernia is small, so the vet doesn't want to put him under just to fix it, and we're waiting until we have his teeth cleaned so he's anesthetized anyway.
My shih tzu puppy has a hernia. I discovered today that my puppy has what I THINK is an umbilical hernia. Everything I'm reading online - and talking with the vet - suggests that's what it is. She is 11 weeks old and has her next check-up in 10 days so I thought I'd wait until then for the vet to look at her. Only thing, everything online describes it as soft. An Umbilical Hernia in a Shih Tzu. by Janice Jones |Last Updated 02-14-2020. Does your Shih Tzu have an umbilical hernia? You're not alone and in fact it is an issue that is very common in this breed. An umbilical hernia is also the most common type of hernia found in the Shih Tzu Breed. If a Bernese Mountain Dog puppy has an umbilical hernia, it will be apparent by 6 weeks of age as a bubblelike protrusion at the navel. This occurs when the umbilical rings fail to close fully after birth. Umbilical hernias can be caused by heredity, cutting the umbilical cord too short, or excessive stress on the umbilical cord during delivery. The Shih Tzu breed’s entire existence is to love and be loved and make wonderful companions for any home. Shih Tzu’s are known for their longevity as they live on average anywhere from 10-16 years. Even though they are traditionally a pretty healthy dog breed, Shih Tzu’s are prone to a few health issues. It is important to understand.
My 8 week old shih tzu puppy has a umbilical hernia what should I do - Answered by a verified Dog Specialist We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. By continuing to use this site you consent to the use of cookies on your device as described in our cookie policy unless you have disabled them. My 6 month old Mini Goldendoodle has had an umbilical hernia since birth. The hernia is very small, maybe a little bigger than a pea. When we initially took him to the vet she said she would remove the hernia when he got neutered. He was neutered three days ago and I reminded the vets office that he was to have his hernia removed also. My Shih Tzu has been on antibiotics for 8wks had eye scape and surgery on it and it's not getting any better any advice please. If everything has possibly been done that can be at your local vet, ask for a referral to a specialty practice or veterinary teaching hospital. They have board certified specialists in multiple areas... Very very rarely is an umbilical hernia any health concern what so ever. They are quite common in the Shih Tzu and are easily fixed if so desired. Inguinal Hernias. You can not tell if a puppy has a true hernia until they are at least 5-6 mos old. They are almost always just delayed closures.
Be sure to read up on Shih Tzu Juvenile Renal Dysplasia . HERNIAS . HERNIAS IN SHIH TZU PUPPIES, as well as other toy breeds, are very common, and is not a medical condition or cause for immediate concern. Please be informed before you agree to surgical hernia repair on your SHIH TZU PUPPY. My 12 week old shih tzu puppy has an umbilical hernia, is it dangerous? My 12 week old shih tzu puppy has an umbilical hernia, which looks like a small soft bump about 1cm in diameter, but is it serious? will it heal? does the dog feel pain?(he seems to be just fine) my 5 month old shih tzu puppy has had a small umbilical hernia from birth. This has caused her no trouble at all. I have noticed over the last couple of days that the hernia is now solid and cannot be pushed in at all anymore. She doesnt seem to be in any discomfort, but i am a bit worried that it now seems like a solid protruding lump As part of every puppy physical exam, I feel the dog’s belly to check for all sorts of things, like pain, enlarged organs and masses. I run my fingers down the center near their belly button feeling for the telltale blob of an umbilical hernia and near the groin checking for inguinal lumps and we find them quite a bit.
Common areas to find hernia in the Shih Tzu are on the inguinal and umbilical regions. Your vet will assess the level of treatment the hernia has to be given or if it should be given any attention at all. Usually, older Shih Tzu are more prone to hernia problems because the skin and ligaments are not as strong anymore leading to an increased. shih tzu puppy.*** The following information is copied from and is being offered as an educational tool: "A hernia is a protrusion or bulge of a part of the body tissue, fat, or an organ through an abnormal opening I have consulted with my vet and he would not recommend doing surgery on a Shih Tzu at such a young age. Surgery is risky at any point in the life of a brachycephalic breed but especially problematic in very young puppies. If the puppy has a severe hernia, then surgery would be indicated for repair and to save the life of the pup. A hernia should always be pointed out to you and discussed by a responsible breeder when choosing a puppy. Umbilical hernias are fairly common in our breed. A Shih Tzu with an umbilical hernia will have a bulge in the middle of the tummy, where the umbilical cord was attached, caused by an incompletely closed umbilical ring.