My Shar Pei Puppy Is Aggressive

The Chinese Shar Pei is a tough, wrinkled and loyal pooch. Originally bred as a guard dog, the well trained Shar Pei usually enjoys frolicking with the family as much as a good woof. The distinctive and adorable wrinkles and skin folds do come with strict cleaning instructions and some notable health issues to be aware of.
My shar pei puppy is aggressive. Shar pei training is a must because this is not a breed you can leave to his own devices. Without the necessary obedient education, social structuring and socialization, he can develop many temperament issues that can lead to serious behavioral problems, such as aggression. It is reserved, even suspicious, toward strangers. It can be aggressive toward other dogs and may chase livestock and other animals, although it is generally good with other family pets. The Shar-Pei needs daily mental and physical stimulation, but its needs can be met with lively games throughout the day or a good long walk. You rarely see a dog aggressive puppy, because most puppies will play happily with other puppies, and dogs of all ages, without issues. Some play-fighting, biting and general rough-housing between them is normal, true aggression is not. The Shar Pei (Cantonese: shā pèih or Mandarin: 沙皮 shā pí) is a dog breed from southern China.Traditionally kept for dog fighting, the Shar Pei was driven to the point of extinction in the 20th century, the breed is known in the West for its deep wrinkles, whilst a traditional less wrinkled form is maintained in Hong Kong
While biting is an “aggressive behavior,” explains Dr. Klein, “nipping is usually a ‘conversation starter’ in puppies, a vehicle to start play and interaction.” #3: To explore their. There are few animals cuter than a Shar-Pei puppy, but that cuteness belies the breed’s proud, independent nature. The Shar-Pei is a one-man dog, although he will extend his protection to the entire family, including other pets. Highly territorial, he is distrustful of strangers and may be aggressive toward dogs he doesn’t know. Aggressive border collie puppy. Aug 03, 20 07:31 PM. We have an almost 10 week old border collie puppy. We have had him for almost 2 weeks. He is getting more aggressive by the day. I usually try to divert. Read More. Agressive morkie puppy. Aug 03, 20 07:30 PM. My 9 week old morkie puppy is really mean. We have a 17-18 week old shar pei puppy and although I treat him with love and kindness, he is quite aggressive towards me. There is 3 others in my family home, the oldest being my mum and the youngest my two brothers.. 8 and 6. I am the only one he seems to act aggressive towards, every time I try and tell him no! He snarls at me.. For eg.
Winston the Shar-Pei Pup Learns to Stop Being Aggressive to Other Dogs . By: David Codr. Published Date: July 20, 2013. Winston is a nine-month-old Shar-Pei puppy. His owners had contacted me concerned about his increasing aggression and territoriality around their home and car as well as his excessive pulling on the leash. We found that our four Shar-Pei dogs (two girls, two boys) had the worst temperament -- they were the most stubborn, the most aggressive, and the hardest to train. They did not get along with our other dogs, and would attack the dogs over food, over toys, over anything at all, really. My family has had another shar pei before, but our current pei is just over a year old now. Extremely leery of strangers, but he is always friendly with kids no matter if he knows them or not. But we made sure he was exposed to children when we brought him home as a puppy and the breeder also had a young son so he was definitely properly. Looking into the adorable, wrinkly face of your shar-pei pup, ending up with an aggressive shar-pei adult is probably the furthest thing from your mind. Yet your pup comes from a long line of fierce warriors and hunting dogs who had to be aggressive to do their jobs.
Are Shar Pei dogs aggressive? Is a Shar Pei a dangerous dog? How much does a Shar Pei puppy cost? Do Shar Pei make good family pets? Shar Peis are a medium sized breed. They are well known for their extreme wrinkled skin, which comes in a variety of colors. The Shar Pei is a loyal and confident breed, which stems from their guard dog origins. Your Shar-Pei must be taught to tolerate other people and pups because the breed can be very wary of strangers and somewhat dog-aggressive otherwise. Puppy kindergarten is a great way to expose your wrinkly pooch to lots of friendly strangers and pups for him to interact with, recommends Dr. Jeff Vidt. The Shar Pei Chow Chow mix is another of our Shar Pei mixes that may be banned in some regions. The Shar Pei Chow mix is a combination of two ancient Chinese breeds who were used for guarding. A prospective owner can expect his Shar Pei Chow Chow mix to be brave, loyal, and highly intelligent. I bought a shar-pei puppy from them,paid $3000 that was food aggressive from the start. When I contacted them they refused to help even after it attached my dog 4 times and bit me once. Said it was my fault.