My Poodle Puppy Wont Eat Anything

But sometimes vaccines are the most logical answer to the question: “Why my puppy wont eat but will drink water?” In fact, vaccines can have some adverse effects, which aren’t serious, and a common one is loss of appetite. But if your dog won’t eat for a day or two after his vaccination, then you need to take it to the vet for a checkup.
My poodle puppy wont eat anything. My 5yr old toy poodle just the same she is driving me nuts! She likes cat food and cat poo! (I have 2 cats) she snorts at regular dog food and wouldnt eat kibble to save her life. I have no idea how she survives, my friend's dog will eat anything, she buys a large bag of supermarket budget dry food and it lasts ages. I am getting very frustrated because teddy, my year old miniature poodle, won't eat anything unless it comes from my plate!!!!! I have a cupboard full of tinned, packet, dried food, plus biscuits and nibbles, but he won't touch any of them. I have even tried putting it on one of my plates and pretending I am eating the same, LOL. Give your puppy meat-based baby food, which is palatable to most puppies and easier to eat with a sore mount. Add warm water or no-salt chicken broth to dry foods to make a slurry in the blender. Warm up your puppy's food by zapping it in the microwave for 10 seconds or so, which can unlock the food's aroma and pique your pup’s appetite. For a pet owner, it’s highly alarming when your dog suddenly loses his appetite. Not eating enough or not eating at all can signal a number of digestive issues.If your dog’s loss of appetite is coupled with loud gurgling noises coming from is tummy, it’s even more cause for concern.
For owners, a dog that isn't eating is a common concern. There are a variety of reasons why dogs won't eat, but some reasons are more serious than others. If your dog won’t eat the food, try again the next day. It won’t hurt for a day or two to go by without him eating, as long as he’s in good health and not a very young animal (or diabetic). This will help encourage his appetite for his dog food, and after a short while he should learn that this food is the only food he will be getting. Before your training sinks in, your puppy may still eat something that's forbidden at least a few times. If this happens, there are some steps you can take to help keep your pet safe: In most cases, small objects pass harmlessly through the puppy's body and end up on the lawn within 24 to 72 hours. Why won't my Mini Poodle dog eat anything? My miniture poodle refuses to eat anything, even after going for a walk and running around. I tried giving her cooked chicken & all sorts of things, but all she'll do is sniff the food and turn around.
New Puppy Won't Eat. Puppies are usually crazy about food and will eat anything and everything. If your new puppy won’t eat, be patient, and try different types of food. Just like the puppies are new to you, they are with new people, in a new environment, and introduced to new types of food. Here’s what you can do when your new puppy won. My dog has had diarrhea since Sunday. Tried boiled chicken, but now she will not eat anything. She is drinking water. What do we do now. Hi and thanks for using PetCoach! Sorry to hear that Sweets is having problems. Since the diarrhea has been going on since Sunday (about 48 hours or so) and now she won't eat, it's time to see your... Dogs crave structure, so most will begin to relax once they get the hang of what their new life will entail from day-to-day. Just like people, however, a dog's adjustment period will vary from dog to dog — some dogs will get back on an eating schedule in a matter of days, while others may take weeks to get back on track. If your dog isn't eating because of stress, she will likely come around. The first thing to keep in mind is how you’re judging your dog’s appetite. If you’re concerned because your dog isn’t eating as much as the guidelines state on the food you purchase, remember that these are only averages. Many perfectly healthy dogs eat only 60% to 70% of the amount stated on the packaging.. Because loss of appetite in dogs can indicate illness, it is important to seek.
This is a question for any one with advice.I have a group of puppies 4 of them an 3 are sick.They arent bad sick but they wont eat they arent popping blood or anything but wont eat an they still drink water.Any advice I thought about mixing some stuff in there water so when they drink it they can get food.I figured its some kind of bug that. In most cases, dogs are voracious eaters with strong appetites. They'll often devour anything you put in front of them without hesitation. With that being said, there are times when your dog's appetite can dip, causing them to not eat.This behavior can be alarming for owners that are used to seeing their canine companion chow down their kibble every day. Also referred to as inappetence, a low. My 12 wk. old puppy is lethargic,Won't eat or drink,losing weight,and Doesn't have ANY Pep or Energy.He DOES NOT have Diarrhea or throwing up. This puppy needs to be examined by your veterinarian. Diagnostics (CBC, chemistry panel, urinalysis and fecal) and treatment or supportive care (hospitalization, IV fluids, medications) may be... My dog won’t eat dog food but will eat treats. Another common problem is the dog that will eat treats, or human food, but simply won’t eat dog food at all. The causes are the same as for the dog that won’t eat kibble unless it is smothered in yogurt or cheese sauce. Your dog has learned to play you.