My Pitbull Puppy Is Getting Bald Spots

PITBULL PUPPY BALD SPOTS? For the past two or three week, I have noticed my 8 month old pitbull has been getting bald spots around her hind legs. They are small, and aren't perfect circles. Could her diet be causing this? Maybe even some sort of bacteria? She gets treated for fleas and ticks monthly so I would assume that can't be the cause.
My pitbull puppy is getting bald spots. Other Causes of Bald Spots in Dogs. Foreign body reaction. Glass, thorns, even a dog’s own coarse hair can all cause inflammation and bald spots if they lodge in your dog's skin. Along with hair loss, signs of irritation by a foreign body include swelling and licking the area repeatedly -- for example between the toes. Bald spots and patches that don’t seem to go away; Loss of hair color or vibrancy. It is important to prevent malnutrition in order to get rid of bald spots on your dog’s skin, legs, tail, belly etc. For starters, providing your dog with omega-3 fish nutritional supplements can make a significant difference in improving the coat of your dog. “If a person has a Labrador retriever and it’s shedding a lot but there’s no actual alopecia, there’s no bare spots, there’s no baldness on the dog, then it’s usually not a problem,” Reeder says. “Just about every breed’s going to go through bigger cycles, one or two times a year anyway. My blue pitbull puppy has developed several bald spots on his body. One on his head, a few on his legs, and a few more on his belly. He is 5 months old. Has received all of his shots and stool sample. His coat seems to be healthy otherwise. The bald spots are not red or scabbing. The skin does not appear to be dry or flakey.
My seven-month-old black Lab has small bald spots on her face, head and a few on her legs. I was wondering what they are. She does not act like 4 month Pitbull Puppy .. small bald spots! Need help! Driving me crazy. Discussion in 'Health & Nutritional Care' started by Pitpuppy123, Jul 6, 2015. Page 1 of 2 1 2 Next > Pitpuppy123 Puppy. This is driving me crazy. Our 4 month pitbull has been getting these random bumps on her head that turn into very tiny bald spots. A skin test came out. Pit bull breeds are prone to skin problems that are not as common in other dogs, including rashes, hives and sunburn. These conditions may cause scratching problems ranging from mild irritation to severe, vigorous scratching that can lead to hematoma and require surgical repair. Sounds Like Mange, Host Spots, or Major Allergies. Few conditions for a dog are as painful or visually repulsive as mange. Mange is a condition that carries with it a stigma of disgust that can turn a lovable family pet into an unattractive and unwanted animal.
If the bald spots are small and aren’t causing any irritation, it may be reasonable to take a wait-and-see approach. Consider your dog’s age. An eight-month-old Mastiff is roughly equivalent. I have a 2 week old pitbull puppy.I noticed last week it had a little knot on its back i was concerned but couldnt find a answer on it.This week i noticed that the knot went away but their is a little bald spot where hair used to be on it. What could it be? I have thought about it being fleas,ringworms,and even just a knot. Please help me. Black Spots and Your Dog’s Pigment. The black spots that start manifesting on your pooch’s body is usually a sign of hyper-pigmentation. This condition simply means that your dog is producing a higher amount of natural skin pigment, also known as melanin. This essentially is the condition that causes freckles in humans. Patchy bald spots where you can see through to the skin or a very thin coat may mean your dog has a hormonal imbalance. An excess of adrenal corticosteroid hormones, a deficiency of the thyroid hormone, or an imbalance in the sex hormones (such as estrogen) all can result alopecia, the medical term for hair loss. These hormonal abnormalities can only be diagnosed with blood tests.
As he is getting older, he only gets little spots occasionally but when we got him (he was thrown from a moving truck with an embedded collar ring) he had quarter sized bald spots all over his back and one side was almost completely bare. We bathed with sulfodene shampoo 3 times a week, letting it sit for 10 mins and the goodwinol twice a day. Dr. Barchas, One of my Pit Bull rescues has patchy bald spots on his face. The vet has tested several spots on two separate occasions and consistently show negative for mange. Puppy hair loss can be caused by a number of different things, some simple others more serious. If you notice excessive shedding, patchy hair loss or bald spots then it's time to look for answers. Learn more here. Puppy hair loss can be caused by a number of different things. Learn about the most common causes of hair loss in puppies, and how. My pitbull is about 7 months old he has been getting bald spots on him losing hair also is getting small lumps around his body im going to take him to the vet when I.