My Labrador Puppy Ate A Grape

Well my standard poodle puppy, 9 pounds ate 1 grape last night. Then we decided we would find out if it’s okay. Not! I made him vomit and up they came. No vet but today he’s urinating multiple times in one trip to the yard. Not pooping yet. I’m kinda concerned . I’m going to wait it out and hope for the best.
My labrador puppy ate a grape. My 55 lb lab puppy ate two small pieces of chocolate cake. Should I induce vomiting? Silly Teddy! If he is 55 lbs, I am not very concerned for chocolate toxicity unless there are dark chocolate chips or something along that line. (If he is 23 lbs as listed on the profile or if there... The amount of grapes that's toxic for an individual dog depends on his size. The estimated toxic dose for grapes is 0.5 ounce of grapes per pound of body weight. For example, a toxic dose of grapes for a 15-pound dog would be 7.5 ounces of grapes. Grape toxicity causes vomiting, diarrhea, excessive thirst, excessive urination and lethargy. My 80lb lab ate about 15 grapes about an hour ago he has since eaten his chow he seems ok do i really need to make him - Answered by a verified Dog Veterinarian We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. Recently, veterinarians discovered that grapes, raisins and currants (fruits from Vitis species) can cause kidney failure in dogs. It is unclear whether this is a new problem, or if the toxic nature of grapes and raisins became recognized after the establishment of a computerized animal toxicity database about 25 years ago.
Grape and raisin toxicity is a somewhat strange phenomenon that many dog owners are not yet aware of. Stories of dogs reacting to the seemingly innocuous fruit have gradually risen to notoriety in the last five or six years as dog owners have begun to experience their pets going into kidney failure after consuming grapes or raisins. If your dog ate one grape, then it’s nothing to panic about. It takes 32 grams of grape per kilogram of the dog’s body weight to be toxic. Again, that doesn’t mean that you should feed your dog any grapes because it probably won’t be good for their digestive system as well. Oh no, my dog eats grapes all the time! Have we damaged her kidneys? I have heard of so many dogs that eat grapes very often and never have kidney problems. And then, I've read of stories where a dog ate one grape and went into kidney failure. This is the rarity though. My point is that the odds are in your favor. My own Labrador puppy developed signs of mild renal insufficiency, requiring intensive treatment after eating approximately 15-20 grapes, which would have equated to about one grape per kilogram. I would always urge caution when dealing with a dog known to have definitely eaten any amount of the fruit.
At this time, the lowest documented toxic grape or raisin dose is 0.32 to 0.65 oz/kg (32 g/kg or 1.1 oz/ kg) and one grape averages about 2 ounces, which would mean that at 2 kg (4.4 pounds) one grape would the risk. I suspect your puppy is likely > 20 pounds at five months so you should be just fine. My Puppy Ate Grapes. If for some reason, your puppy consumed grapes, you must react quickly. You can still follow the steps presented above for dogs. However, following up with your local veterinarian is highly recommended. Try your best to induce vomiting in your puppy. At all cost, try to get as much grape toxin out of their systems as possible. I have two female labradors (7 and 9 yrs old). Unfortunately, between 7-8 am they jumped on the counter and knocked down a bowl of grapes. They ended up eating all of them before I got back to the kitchen. I brought one quickly to the vet hospital and they induced vomiting (within 2.5 hours), she threw up 25-30 grapes. I then brought the other one hour later and she threw up 10 grapes. They. Cat ate vitamin D3. I believe my cat accidentally ingested a 1000iu capsule of Vitamin D3 I read your... (29315 views) Dog has heart murmur. Hello, Dr. Marie: When my dog was still a puppy, the vet told me that she had a 3... (35582 views)
My dog ate a grape or raisin. Will he be okay? Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed | Male | 4 years and 5 months old Location: United States. 1 answer. Answered by. Debi Matlack Veterinary Technician. Eating raisins or grapes can put a dog at serious risk of a potentially fatal toxicity. Since the exact toxic dose is unknown, any ingestion should be. My puppy ate 2 grapes last night and when i looked up grapes I got a fright because how danserious they are. We brought him to the vet and he induced vomiting am hour afher my pup ate the grapes . Should I sti be worried / do anything else? The vet said the grapes came up along with his dinner My 15 weeks labrador puppy ate one grape earlier. He vomited some of it out but not sure if it was all of it. I have rang the vet and asked them if I should come down and I explain that he has vomited some out and they said they’ll speak to one of the doctors and ring me back. My dog ate river stones and 2 of them got stuck in his intestines! He survived the operation, and my wallet survived the $1000 bill. Here's what you should do if you think your dog ate some rocks, stones, or pebbles.