My Lab Puppy Woke Up With A Lump

The lump is black or purple in color; It is ulcerated (looks like an open sore, or becomes this way) You notice lots of little pink spots or larger bruised looking areas (these aren’t necessary lumps or bumps but can indicate a bleeding problem). If this is an old lump that has been checked before:
My lab puppy woke up with a lump. My 2 wk old lab dog has a swollen toe. My 2 wk old lab puppy has a swollen "toe" and a bump on the top of it's foot. I think it might be from dragging it's back leg before it could walk as it can now. But I'm worried it might be something else. It doesn't seem to hurt though. The bump almost looks like a callus. I have a Lab and German Shepard mix that's a year and half old, just yesterday these large lumps about 3/4 of an inch wide appeared on her nose it started out as two but this morning when we woke up she has three more that's appeared, one on her nose, a smaller one on the side of her nose, and one on her mouth, that's red. My 7 week old puppy has a lump about the size of a quarter but its oval shaped it jus popped up today and I'm worried about her she a pitbull and shes so sweet she has no other symptoms eating fine playing and everything so idk what it could be anybody have any clue Hi. I have a 75-lb. yellow lab. She was rescued from a breeder when she was a year... (9046 views) Swollen face after tooth removal. Two months ago, Chuck (our elderly dog who's become more and more aggressive when... (25315 views) Dog walking in circles my mother in laws dog just started acting real sick today he cant stand up or when.
Some puppies get parvovirus, which results in your dog vomiting white foam slime. Your puppy may also have a fever, be lethargic, and have bloody diarrhea. If your dog has kidney disease, he might cough up white foam and have trouble urinating, be lethargic, and experience disorientation. If you notice any parovirus or kidney disease symptoms, go to the vet or pet ER as soon as possible. My dog has a bump on his side (as big as a ping-pong ball and as hard as a bone). He doesn't show any signs of pain. He continues to eat and sleep well and he's still very active. Does anyone know what this bump is? He's eight months old and is a chihuahua. Answer (1 of 14): A sudden lump in a dog’s neck can be caused by a variety of things. It is impossible to know for sure what the problem is and if it is serious without taking the dog to the vet. Some of the causes of a lump are simple and require no treatment. Other causes can be dangerous to the dog and require immediate care. Some dogs have a reaction to vaccinations that can cause a lump. Diagnosing a Limping Dog. Sometimes the cause of your dog’s limp is clear, like a broken bone or a piece of glass in a paw pad. Other times, the cause is a little more elusive.
My dog just stopped being able to use his rear legs. I went to work and came home and he couldn’walk. My boyfriend said it was sudden. Now he’incontinent and in severe pain. He’s 2 and healthy until now, he’s up to date with all his vaccines. I took him to the er and all they did because all I could afford to do was get meds and take. My dog is a sever year old labrador mix and has a hard lump on her wrist. It's about an inch in diameter and seems to be connected to her bone. It won't budge and is very hard. It doesn't give her pain, but it worries me because it is so large and grew rapidly in about a month. She's had it for about two months now, and it appears to have gone down a little bit from when she first got it. A Dog Throwing Up Undigested Food Could Mean Health Problems. If your dog throws up undigested food once and only once, then there is not likely to be a health problem brewing but if the dog throwing up undigested food becomes a habit or chronic, there could be some problems. If your dog regularly throws up, you need to seek veterinary care. My dog has developed a lump under her chin since this afternoon and is seems a bit worse. She is a Boston Terrier and she was at first a bit sluggish but I gave her some Pepto Bismol a few hours ago and other than the lump she seems OK.
My dog has a soft lump under his jaw and this morning his face was swollen on the same side as the lump. His whole face wasn't swollen, just the jowel on the same side as the lump. I have an appointment to take him to the vet but was wondering if anyone had any ideas of what this might be. While the definition for swollen face in dogs is quite simple, the potential reasons for this malady certainly are not. The swollen areas noted on your doggy family member may be of various sizes and shapes, waxing and waning under a variety of conditions, or, they may have developed suddenly or gradually over a period of time and they may or may not be symmetrical (the same size and location. Janet Tobiassen Crosby DVM. Benign fatty tumors called lipomas are one of the most common types of lumps found on pets, especially older dogs and overweight females.Additionally, certain dog breeds may be especially prone to developing lipomas, including Doberman pinschers, schnauzers (miniatures), Labrador retrievers, and mixed breeds.They can also appear in cats and horses, but not as often. When I woke up on Sat. (almost a week ago now) morning and went to take him outside I noticed that he had a large lump (about the size of a baseball) right on top of his head between his ears. I thought maybe he had hit his head on something, but my husband and I could not remember him hitting his head at all the night before.