My Lab Puppy Is Very Timid And Lazy

I was about to buy a lab puppy for my son on his 2nd birthday, which is coming week. My wife is already not in the mood to take additional responsibility, and I think it will be a toll on my family and the puppy if we can’t give him the care and attention s/he needs. For now I am postponing my plan to bring home a cute lovely puppy. Best, Harish
My lab puppy is very timid and lazy. Puppy Adolescence Has Arrived. Just when you thought it was all getting easier, your puppy turns into a little monster! At roughly 7 months of age, your puppy is hitting the peak of adolescence. Puppy hood is full of hoops, hurdles, and challenges, and puppy adolescence is one of the most challenging stages to navigate through. How to Help Your Timid Dog. Socializing your dog when he’s a puppy is, of course, the ideal. “Lack of socialization can lead to all kinds of concerns in the adult dog, which is why behaviorists make a big push for people to socialize their dogs before the age of 14 to 16 weeks,” Stelow says. The puppy is on the timid side, but has grown out of its shell since joining his new family. My 6 year old son sees the puppy at least a few times during the week, but their meetings are very casual. My son will pet the puppy, talk to him, then it's pretty much over. Training Your Dog or Puppy to be Shy.. When our timid dog hides, barks defensively, whines, screams or snaps, our response is only natural. Our protective instincts cause us to reassure the dog by talking soothingly, petting or even picking up the dog for a hug. These actions flagrantly reward the dog for fearful behavior.
Each puppy has a discernable personality that can be judged at 7 weeks of age. When you’re choosing a puppy from a litter pay attention to personality type: Bully: On first glance, the bully may seem overtly social and interactive. You may think “Good, that one has spirit.” However, keep watching. Does she steal the […] Is very shy/fearful – It’s normal for your puppy to be a little nervous when you first bring her home. But if she continues to cower, hide, shake or bark when approached by you or anyone else, this is a fear issue that needs to be addressed. The Puppy Survival School online course will show you how to help a shy puppy overcome their fears. Many pets with fevers will be very sluggish. A temperature over 102.9 degrees requires prompt veterinary attention. Monitor his symptoms. If your pet exhibits other unusual symptoms, such as poor appetite and pain, head for your vet or an animal emergency hospital. These can signs that your pet needs emergency care. After much deliberation, you’ve finally decided its time to add a new, furry member to your family. You’ve researched dog breeds to find one that fits your lifestyle, and you’ve located a reputable breeder with a litter of new pups. Now you need to choose the right pup among the litter, the final step to finding the dog for you.
1. A fearful dog’s journey isn’t a straight line — don’t expect it to be. Humans seem to be hardwired to want to get someplace by the shortest, most direct path. Hi! my wife and I own a 2 1/2 year old lab pittie mix.Great dog, super obedient very respectful of things and his mom and dad. He has been trained to sleep at night in his crate and over the past 2 year has accepted it just fine, with some small outburst of crying and whining at night for a little (about two times) this past year. They’re Sick “If your pet is abnormally calm and quiet, you need to think he's sick,” Williams says. That doesn’t necessarily mean he is sick, but the first step you have to take if your dog is acting lethargic for more than a day is to call the vet. On average, they will sleep for between 15 and 20 hours a day and this is essential to their healthy development. But, during waking hours, puppies should be full of energy. If you have a puppy who is constantly tired and listless, you should contact your vet straight away as this is almost certainly a sign of an underlying problem.
That’s a very common trait for a lab puppy. Even my boy used to bark at us . They slowly will stop it . Don’t worry. Reply. Subhashini February 5, 2017 at 1:43 pm. Hi I bought a lab pup yesterday… It was so active.. But today he vomited and dint have any food from the morning.. And still sleeping.. Puppy sleep hours can range from 18 to 20 a day, versus the 14 hours of daily sleep by an adult dog. This is because puppies are growing and they need their rest. Puppies Use a Lot of Energy. Puppies need more sleep than adult dogs because they have a lot going on in their lives. Puppies grow and develop physically very, very quickly. My husband just tried to walk him, and the puppy was so upset that he threw up! Please help. My husband eventually wants him to be a bird dog! Thank you, Kristina Harris. Cesar Millan’s answer: Dear Kristina, Often, it takes the help of another dog to motivate a troubled puppy. It’s completely normal for a puppy to fight a human’s influence. Why is my puppy throwing up, having trouble breathing and lethargic. My puppy (7 months old), has been throwing up, breathing hard, not really wanting to eat and lethargic. However, this will go on for half a day and then she is fine. It has been happening for a couple of weeks now. She is an english bulldog.