My Lab Puppy Ate A Sock

In case the dog that ate a sock is a puppy or small breed, it will be hard for them to pass it out. Professional treatment is therefore recommended. Take the puppy to the veterinarian. The ultimate decision on what happens after a dog ate a sock is yours. The many choices there mostly have consequences and may result in unforeseen events.
My lab puppy ate a sock. My 45 lbs puppy Golden retriever swallowed a kids (4yrs old) sock over an hour ago. Can I induce vomiting with Hydrogen peroxide and a little something soft for favor.. my 3 year old Lab ate 1 sock i know of shew vomited it back but has also vomitted up both feedings today. So I searched for the second sock an can not find it. A Yorkie that eats even just a baby sock is more concerning than a Great Dane that eats that same baby sock. However, all cases where a dog ingests a sock require close monitoring and immediate veterinary attention. Especially if vomiting, inappetance, or lethargy are seen. If your dog ate a sock, don't try to make your dog vomit it back up. i noticed he had it in his mouth, by the time i got to him to get him to drop it, it had gone! should i wait for it to come out? or call the vets? he seems fine in himself today and has pooed! but no sock! some advice please? i really want to make sure i do the best for him! Our 3.5 month old golden retriever (20 lbs) ate an adult ankle sock on Saturday night. I immediately googled "puppy ate a sock" and saw posts ranging from 'he pooped it out within a few hours' to very serious complications and some even talked about these complications leading to death.
My dog ate a sock, what should I do? Socks and rocks, batteries, stuffed animals, plastic toys, garbage, and even poop—some dogs are notorious for eating just about anything. Ask a veterinarian and they’ll tell you all kinds of things they’ve seen dogs ingest. Monitor your puppy’s productivity. Use a disposable popsicle stick or plastic knife to chop up and search through the puppy droppings for the object. The exception to allowing small objects pass are swallowed metal objects like coins or batteries. DON’T WAIT, get your puppy seen immediately. my puppy ate a sock today🥺. he honestly isn’t even noisier than our lab was as a pup, and I love playing with him, interacting with him, and cuddling him. He comes to me when I’m sad and lets me hug him. The puppy kisses, holy shit I love this dog so much. Every time I look at him I can’t help but smile like an idiot, I show. Puppy Ate a Sock. My daughter's dog did this and then pooped it half way out, but it wouldn't come all the way, she had to take it to the vet to get it out. (02/11/2008) By Beverly. Puppy Ate a Sock. Please take the pup to a vet! (02/11/2008) By kay. Puppy Ate a Sock. That thing will not come out on its own. Get the baby to a vet now.
Obstruction After My Dog Ate a Sock. Signs of obstruction usually appear within 24 to 48 hours. These symptoms include vomiting, decreased appetite, diarrhea, tenderness in the abdominal region, difficulty defecating, lethargy, and changes in behavior. Lab Chat; HE ATE A SOCK!! Page 1 of 4 1 2 3... Last. Jump to page: Results 1 to 10 of 37. He always ate and drank and would go from being his usual happy puppy self to being right down in the dumps.. My sister in laws doberman ate a sock which caused a blockage and needed to be removed. He was a really sick pup for a while and it was. My black lab almost a year old ate a baby sock, he was fine for a day then he was very sick.(throwing up, wouldn’t poop.). My medium size 6 months puppy ate a sock 3 hours ago. he is still ok. Oh my gosh you guys! I've laughed so hard this morning! What a great way to start the day. Well, I haven't seen any signs of the sock yet, but my husband is at home with him during the day and said he's not about to follow him around to watch him poop. He has no sense of adventure! LOL! Thanks for all the positive responses.
My 7 year old black lab ate a panty a week ago, while i was chasing her through the house. She ate the panty and i waited for her to poop it out or vomit it. Nothing. But she was ok and normal. 4 days had past, and suddenly she vomits the damn thing !! 2 days ago, she ate all my sisters drawing material, pencils, pens, eraser, everything. My lab/pit mix puppy ate a sock a few days ago, after that he never threw it up. he was eating and drinking fine, but then he couldnt keep any food down, he would always throw it up. is there any other option for my puppy than surgery because we dont have the money for that! please respond.. my lab ate one of my socks 36 hours ago. It was a small ankle sock. He hasn’t thrown it up or pooped it out yet. He is eating, drinking, pooping, playing and acting normal. How long should it take to come out one way or another? He is 70 pounds. Most dogs are curious, fun-loving animals with a spirit of adventure. From time to time, however, a dog's curiosity may get him into trouble if, for example, he eats something he shouldn't. While some dogs may simply pass the foreign object they have eaten, there is a risk that serious complications.