My Lab Only Had 2 Puppies

My pit bull only had one pup. My ex father in laws dog only had one pup. I have known other dogs that only had one pup. It can take hours for the next pup, especially being her first litter.
My lab only had 2 puppies. The only way you can tell how many puppies to expect before delivery is via X-ray, but such an X-ray isn't accurate until just a few days before the puppies are born. The University of Missouri extension notes that fetal teeth, a good indicator of the number of puppies, aren't visible on an X-ray until days 51-to-66 after breeding, but whelping. my dog had puppies but at only 3 days old their starting to get sick and die my chihuahua got parvo when she was younger like about 5 months old she is now 2yrs old going on 3 we bred her 2 times and her litters died we bred her recently for the 3rd time and now her puppies aint eating and are dying one by one i need help one was on the verge. I’ve had 3 or 4 dogs in my family at a time for years and only ever had problems with one dog – but I rescued him when he was 10 years old from someone who thought dogs prefer to be in a pack and had let their other dog bully him his whole life. The two dogs lived entirely in an outside run and no-one supervised their interactions. Hi! my wife and I own a 2 1/2 year old lab pittie mix.Great dog, super obedient very respectful of things and his mom and dad. He has been trained to sleep at night in his crate and over the past 2 year has accepted it just fine, with some small outburst of crying and whining at night for a little (about two times) this past year.
Hi there. I have a 6month old yellow lab Nutmeg and she is our only baby. We currently live in China and the vets here are, lets say, not too caring when it comes to dogs. We got our puppy at 4weeks from a not so good breeder. She had kennel cough and then Parvo, but with all the prayers and loving care she made it. Answer (1 of 17): The number of puppies in each litter of Labrador Retrievers can vary. Some litters will contain only one puppy, but some can contain as many as 15. The average size of a Labrador Retriever's litter is between six and nine puppies. Labrador Retrievers are a very popular dog and are the most registered breed of dog in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. My female Labrador retriever is about 2-3 years old. I'm really worried that there is something wrong with her, since she only gave birth to one puppy and her stomach still looks big. Her attitude seems to be the same as usual, she's not really in pain or have heavy breathing. I have a 3 year old yellow lab who delivered 8 lab puppies last night, she was bred with an akc chocolate male, Lily has a sister Kady who is also 3 and she was bred to another akc black lab, suprisingly they were both in labor last night. Lily had her 8 babies and all are fibe, her sister kady had labor and was rsuhed to the vet, and found that she only had 1 puppy and it dies, so she is now.
At My Lab Puppies, we breed with a purpose in mind. All of our breeding parents are either Therapy/Service dogs or have achieved the Canine Good Citizen Certification by the American Kennel Association. We start out with not only healthy parents, but dogs sound of mind and body in order to produce a well balanced puppy. My lab is having puppies. She has been in labor since last night at 2:00 but she has only had 4 puppies. I took her to the vet this morning and I called just a few minutes ago becasue she has not had anymore. Can a dog be inlabor this long? She could have possibly been only pregnant with 2 puppies. I actually had a lab only give birth to one before. Just keep an eye on her until then, she'll be fine! Kathleen and Holly: Actually, you dont HAVE to take your dog to the vet for that. My dog has been in labor for close to 24 hours. She also went hours without delivering a puppy. I noticed dark green discharge and within a few minutes, out came a puppy. I got scared because she went so long between puppies and I knew she had more. We rushed to the vet only to go home with a high bill and 2 more puppies born without any.
In fact, she had 14 total, but only 11 survived. 11 puppies! Oh my gosh. Thoughts were going through my mind about how we were going to help our "girl" look after them. Our main concern at the time was bedding. Although we had some, having 11 "poopy" puppies, instead of the normal 5 or 6, it would make it difficult to keep the whelping box clean. I breed my chocolate lab with another male chocolate Lab, three whole times the got stuck together, and two months later she had two pups and the other one died shortly after it's birth Why? I don't know weather or not if it was too late in her heat, or she is too little too have puppies. She is a year and 5 months old. My chocolate lab had her puppies 3 wks ago. I wasn’t home when she bred. There is a 7 month old lab next door and the lab I bred her with the last two times had been missing for 2 wks according to the owners. But they live 4 miles away. I keep my dogs fenced in so I can’t image how she could have gotten pregnant or by which dog! On average, Labradors usually have between 6 and 10 puppies given that they are a large breed. Of course, this is only an approximation because there are many factors that can influence the number of pups a dog might give birth to. In some rare cases the dog can have up to 14 puppies. A Labrador's gestation period lasts between 58 and 64 days.