My Corgi Isnt Getting Along With The New Puppy

This is also a difficult time for owners. Because up until then, Puppy may have been getting along famously with the world. But during adolescence, when the hormones kick in, Puppy may change dramatically. He may suddenly become suspicious or nervous around other people or other dogs. Or he may alternate between aggression and fearfulness.
My corgi isnt getting along with the new puppy. We recently adopted a 3 yr old male Pembroke that after 4 weeks is not getting along with our female 3 yr old corgi. We have had ours since a puppy . The male is a big burly boy, weighing in at 40 lbs and not fat. We were helping out a couple who had to relocate suddenly and we really wanted it to work and add another corgi to our home . Approximately one week before bringing the new puppy home, arrange for the older dog to meet the puppy at a park or anywhere that is not his home territory. Lavish the older dog with affection and assurance as he sniffs and greets the new dog. Take them on a walk together if the puppy is old enough to be led on a leash. Puppy kibble is different than adult dog kibble, so be careful what you buy. With Navy we made the mistake of getting her a huge bag of the wrong food. I also recommend buying a smaller bag of puppy food, just in case your pup doesn’t like what you brought home. We’ve used Taste of the Wild Puppy Kibble and Wellness Core Puppy kibble. It. my 6 year old male corgi isnt taking too well to our new puppy.? "marley" is our new 8 week old border collie puppy. she has been here for almost 2 weeks, and "kirby" isnt very happy with her. at best, he is tolerating her, but he has taken a couple of swipes at her and actually scratched her face.
A puppy is going to be a whirling dervish of energy and your old dog must be able to deal with it. If he doesn’t feel good, he may be grumpy towards the puppy and even mean. When I was thinking about adding a puppy to my family, I took my old dog Bashir in to our veterinarian and had her do a complete physical examination, including blood work. If the puppy doesn’t get the hint, Phifer suggests stepping in so that the older dog doesn’t escalate the correction. Introducing a new dog or puppy into a multiple-dog household is done much like single-dog introductions. Simply bring out one or two of the current dogs at a time to meet the new dog. Instead, I took my fingers along with treat out from his mouth(did not release the treat). I repeated this process until he learned that he needed to be more gentle & not put teeth on my fingers. Your corgi will probably nip the first few times but corgis are very smart so she'll probably get it after a few times especially if shes food. When you bring your new puppy into your home, you are bringing him into what will become his home as well. Obviously, you did not buy a puppy so that he could take control of your home, but in order for a puppy to grow into a stable, well-adjusted dog, he has to feel comfortable in his surroundings.
Introduce a new puppy to your adult dog in neutral territory, like outside in the garden or even at a park away from the house. You could even let them meet for the first time on opposite sides of a chain-link fence. If they are meeting face to face, your dog should be leashed initially while the puppy approaches him for the first time. I’m still trying to convince my husband that getting a puppy (while 17 weeks pregnant) is not a completely bad idea. This article is very helpful. He argument is that the house needs to be organized still and we need to declutter and have a better routine. I’ll keep my fingers crossed. Reply Then along comes a new puppy and everything's turned on its head.. If Lucy is being gentle with the puppy, despite the growling, then Lucy might just be adjusting to the new puppy. That is not uncommon with an older dog and a young puppy. The main thing to watch for it whether or not your older dog is being gentle despite feeling tense. Adding a new puppy is an exciting adventure, but special considerations should be taken when introducing a new puppy to a home with a senior dog or dogs.
Find your puppy’s weak spot. It’s probably going to be food, but some puppies respond more to praise or physical interaction with their owner (a pat on the head or a big hug). You need to understand what is going to be most valuable to your puppy when you want him to stop doing something undesirable and get him to pay attention to you. Corgis, full name Pembroke Welsh Corgi, are those adorable little dogs with big, furry trunks and tiny, stubby legs.They are perhaps most well-known for being the breed of choice of Queen Elizabeth. In fact, she has owned more than 30 Corgi dogs during her tenure as Queen, and recently just adopted another.. Perhaps because of their association with the Queen, these little dogs have grown into. Most puppies join their new homes from 8 to 12 weeks of age, leaving their mothers, littermates, and infancy behind. Many people get a puppy at this age—the imprinting stage. This is a time of rapid brain development when the dog is impressionable and ideal for training. The puppy is learning to be a dog. And, the dog is picking up its good and bad behavior tendencies from their experiences. Being the proud owner of a Corgi puppy is an exciting experience. A Welsh Corgi is a nice dog to have especially when you understand this breed and anticipate how your dog will react under different circumstances. Let’s take a look at what to expect from a Corgi puppy as it grows to an adorable adult Corgi.