My Chihuahua Puppy Is Getting Freckles On Her Tummy

Black Spots and Your Dog’s Pigment. The black spots that start manifesting on your pooch’s body is usually a sign of hyper-pigmentation. This condition simply means that your dog is producing a higher amount of natural skin pigment, also known as melanin. This essentially is the condition that causes freckles in humans.
My chihuahua puppy is getting freckles on her tummy. Many pet parents ask about their Chihuahua puppy or dog's skin developing dark spots, ranging from brown to black. These may be circular or irregular, and tiny like freckles or rather large. When dark spots appear on a Chihuahua's skin, this may be noticeable through a light colored coat (tan, white, fawn, etc.). My dogs stomach started to look dark and I was scrambling looking for reasons why. She’s on an all raw diet, and we do everything we can to make sure she’s healthy. Then I saw your post and it made so much sense. She has been sitting in the sun daily since it’s starting to get warm. She’s even laying on her back right now in the sun. If your dog’s tummy turned black and used to be white or pink, the cause could be trauma from constant licking, biting or scratching. Photo: Russamee When a dog’s tummy has turned black, and it used to be cute pink or white, some pet lovers get concerned. My teacup chihuahua just all the sudden started acting weird,he acts like hes scared,and he dont want to be petted or touched,and is very jumpy.This is very unusual for him,hes a year and a half old. Ruth Decamp. September 12, 2019 at 11:50 am.
My puppy mini schnauzer has black spots on tummy. The spots are multiplying daily. Not raised or bothering her. On paws also. Light brown. It could be normal skin pigmentation, masses or changes in color due to thyroid imbalance or allergies. Your vet will be able to do an exam and let you know if you should be concerned. My boxer mix also has spots on her belly. My vet said they were caused by having allergies left untreated over a period of time., but I would like to know more about this. Why do brown spots develop if related to allergies? If anyone has answers, please respond. Comments are closed. Freckles on a dog's belly. Species: Dog Breed: papillon Age: 6-12 months. Francois has developed some brown spots on his belly and testicles. He licks in that area but I am not sure if it is from the spots or just cleaning.. I was washing my 8week old puppy and pored a large amount of Eucalyptus Oil on him..... (14837 views) Eating grass and. What are those freckles on my dog’s stomach? June 4, 2009 Alex Valentino Itchy Skin & Allergies 0. It’s nice to sit with your dog, and give him a rub on the belly, but when you see blotches and spots on his tummy skin, it can give you a fright. You probably have no idea what they are, and you may not know how long they’ve been there..
If you're cozily rubbing your pooch's belly only to notice that it suddenly looks to be dark purplish or blue rather than its normal color, then it's time to call the veterinarian to make an appointment. Skin discoloration issues in dogs often signify cases of cutaneous hyperpigmentation. Any type of dog. My daughter's Jack Russell (over 10 yrs. old) has started to develop black spots, like large freckles all over her belly and hind end, and her hair is thinning in these areas. She is not scratching or in any way uncomfortable that we can tell. Appetite and activity level is good. There is no inflammation. The vet checked thyroid and said that. My puppy is a 9 month old female Shi Tsu. She is white in color and usually has pink skin. I was bathing her today and noticed that she had black, non-raised spots all over her back. I didn't notice t … read more Like you, your pooch can get moles and freckles on her skin from aging or from sun exposure. You may notice spots on your pup's ear tips, on her tummy or around the nose, as those areas often have little hair and are prone to sunburn. A dog's fur coat provides a natural barrier to protect against UV rays, but.
A multitude of different issues can occur in dogs, resulting in pigment changes to the skin and coat. Since the different causes and treatments of pigment change vary widely, it is important to receive seek veterinary attention for diagnostic testing. If the spots aren't raised, scab-like, inflamed in any way, but instead are just like freckles, then I don't think that's anything to worry about. My previous dog, who was a white dog, developed these freckles both on his testicles, and on his belly. And it wasn't age-related for he had them when he was younger too. It WAS sun-related. A healthy, safe way to deal with stomach problems in dogs are the Fortiflora Canine Nutritional Supplements.They promote a strong immune system and contain high levels of antioxidants, vitamins A, E, and C. Yogurt with probiotics is also good for dogs, but a canine nutritional supplement that replaces intestinal flora doesn’t add calories and fat to your dog’s diet. Q: My Chihuahua is developing dark skin patches under her front leg and on her tail. What causes these black patches? Could it be fleas? A: Sometimes these dark patches can be normal. They can occur in areas of friction (under legs, armpits) or they can be normal pigmentation in your dog’s skin that occurs with age.