My Boxer Puppy Is Driving Me Crazy

We have taught our dog to do his business outside. He is considerate when we are eating. In fact he is everything you could want in a dog apart from one thing. When we leave him indoors by himself, he goes crazy. He tries to scratch and chew his way out of the house, which has resulted in damaged doors. We have even tried leaving him out in the back yard, and he has damaged the back entry door.
My boxer puppy is driving me crazy. My puppy goes crazy sometimes too. Does this sound familiar: Does this sound familiar: Puppy springs across the room, runs into the wall, jumps up on you, bites your hand, pulls on and tears your pant leg, dives under the couch, sprints back and runs into the screen door…repeat for 30 minutes. My puppy is whine at the bathroom door if i have it shut but if its open she will just sit in the bathroom and whine. I feed her in my bathroom but after shes full she still whines. And she also whines at my bedroom door when its shut. She is really driving me crazy anyone have any answeres if so please help me. Why does my dog run around like crazy? People often use the word ‘crazy’ to describe the zoomies dogs do. The dog will be oblivious to any damage, often crashing into tables and knocking chairs flying. If he’s outdoors in your yard, he’ll often race in a big circle at break neck speed, leaning right over to turn as tight as he can. Why Does My Dog Always Follow Me? Dogs follow us for a variety of reasons. Some of these reasons are normal and healthy, and some are symptoms of an underlying behavioral problem. Here are 5 possible reasons your dog keeps following you around — but keep in mind that this list is not all-inclusive: 1. Puppy Development
We have a dachshund who is driving me crazy. She is very destructive. She chews everything. She is 1 year old. She has peed all over the house, including every cushion on the couch and my daughter's bed. It's not that we don't take her out enough-she peed on the couch immediately after I brought her back in the other day. Help my Puppy is Driving Me Crazy…6 Tips to Avoid Puppy Stress Okay we dogs never like to admit that when we were puppies we probably drove you crazy in so many different ways. Lets face it we’re crazy cute when we are puppies; we do cute things and give you, our new parents a sense of joy, pride and endless fun. Definitely do not hit the dog. That is teaching them to be aggressive. Instead try buying puppy teething rings. When the pup growls at you, in a low tone voice say "no" and do not give any attention to the pup after that because any attention is positive attention to the pup right now. The rules of getting a Boxer puppy or dog to listen are not that difficult; the element that many owners do have is consistency. Appearing to be wavering will be taken as a sign of weakness and self-doubt. This only works if everyone in the household is on board and if these rules are followed all of the time.
My boxer is driving me crazy? My 5 year old boxer has NEVER EVER EVER EVER gone to the bathroom in the house... but recently all she does is poop on the floor and eat it... her diet has not changed.. It worked immediately for her, she has her control back. She was on a very high end food before this too, not a puppy chow or anything like. The breed needs an owner who is able to provide a daily schedule of activities: Walks and exercise to help maintain muscle mass, keep the heart healthy, and release pent-up energy, grooming to keep skin and coat healthy, bathing, regular meals, playtime and plenty of interesting dog toys. If a Boxer is given enough attention and activity when their owner is home, they will most likely settle. Separation anxiety is a disorder that causes dogs to panic at the idea of being left home alone. The panic may be so overwhelming that when you leave, your dog becomes destructive, salivates, paces, barks incessantly, and/or demonstrates housebreaking issues. My boxer pup is driving me crazy. He has SO MUCH energy. He wants to play day & night. Is this normal?. It takes them longer to grow up then most dogs.My 2 year old still runs around like a puppy.They need thing do or they'll find there own things to do that you might not agree with. Eventually he should settle down, but he'll never be lazy.
Great tips but I’m really struggling to house train my puppy. He’s 13 weeks old and we have had him since he was 8 weeks. He’s started to go outside more now and we thought we were getting there but the last week or so he’s been going inside and not in the same place either. My Longcoat German Shepherd puppy, Dax, at 7 months Now he's no longer a baby puppy, Fido is going to sleep less and have energy to spare. Regardless of his size he'll be on the go and if you don't give him enough physical exercise and mental stimulation, he'll find ways to use up that energy that you'd rather he didn't! My 10 week old Lab puppy who we got at 7 weeks old will not stop biting my older dog in the jowls and on the legs, my poor boxer is such a sweet guy he doesn’t want to hurt the puppy so he doesn’t stick up for himself enough. He makes the boxer bleed and is stressing him out a lot. Does anyone have any ideas. It may sound crazy, but it has worked for me. When my Boxer was a puppy he was constantly getting into trouble, and this worked very well. You have to let the puppy know who is in charge, and that you're not going to stand for the puppy to wreck things and bully the other dog.