My Boxer Puppy Has A Stuffy Nose

If your Boxer puppy or dog snores, you may find this endearing, insomnia inducing or worrisome, depending on how loud it is and how often it occurs. It's interesting to note that while canines can breathe through both the nose and mouth (like us), and do alternate between the two while awake, when a dog is sleeping, even if his mouth is hanging.
My boxer puppy has a stuffy nose. My 3 month old Shih Tzu puppy (just got her and she hasn't had any shots yet) sounds like she has a stuffy nose and hasn't been as active today as she normally is. She also feels a little warm. I'm wo … read more Kennel cough has a honking or hacking sound, which could be kennel cough, especially if your dog has been in boarding. Canine flu may also cause additional symptoms like vomiting, fever, and discharge from the eyes and nose. Parasites may also cause diarrhea, vomiting, bloating, changes in appetite and coat and constant coughing. Dog runny nose that’s accompanied by yellow nasal discharge is often an indicator of a respiratory infection. Canines are susceptible to several respiratory infections like the parainfluenza virus, Bordetella or streptococci. While some respiratory infections are easily controlled with medications, others are more severe in nature and often excessively debilitate the pet. Hi, my name is Chanelle and I’m from India. I have a 13 year old German spitz..he is in good health, very active. It’s been a long while since I’ve noticed he has a runny nose at some parts of the day. Usually in the day when he’s most active, I don’t see much of it at night. We have extremely hot climate here too.
My rescue large lab/shepherd mix has had nasal discharge from the beginning. It is thick and not clear. Whenever he sneezes out it comes! I constantly have tissues with me and it’s like wiping the nose of a toddler. He has been on antibiotics (no help) and he gets allergy shots now – we’ll see if those help as time goes on. One of the most common causes of your dog having green mucus coming from their nose is the presence of an infection. These can be bacterial, fungal or viral infections and may have many origins. If the dog not only has green snot coming from its nose, but also presents with sneezing, loss of appetite and/or diarrhea, it is likely an infection that will require veterinary attention. A Dog With a Blocked Nose A blocked nose in dogs often involves a narrowed nasal passage. In medical terms, narrowing of the nasal passages is referred to as “nasal stenosis.” The term nasal refers to the nose, while the term stenosis is the medical term for narrowing. A dog with a blocked nose will typically exhibit some distinctive symptoms that are noticed by the dog owners. My 2month old puppy behavior has changed he is not playful not eating hardly drinking water and losing weight and vomiting and, a runny nose Puppies pick up all sorts of bugs. As he is still so little and is vomiting and appears to be losing weight then I would recommend having him checked over today by your vet.
My 3-4 year old male cat has been sneezing with a runny/stuffy nose for the past week or so. When I wipe his nose its clear but now there is blood. He may have polyps or a severe upper respiratory condition, or a foreign body in his upper airways. My Dog Has a Runny Nose, but Why? Dogs have naturally wet noses . A dog likes to keep their nose moist as the moisture increases their ability to pick up more scents from the environment. A dog nose has many more receptors than those found in a human being and is thus likely to react to a lot of things. It is not a wonder then that a dog runny nose is a common problem in these pets. In most cases, a visit to the veterinarian is not necessary as this could be a sign of something as simple as excitement. Nasal congestion in dogs is a clear sign that the animal has a cold, even thought it could be caused by other reasons, such as a respiratory infection or an allergy. It could also take place due to the animal having something in his nose that you have not noticed. A dental infection spreading to the nasal area can cause nasal congestion in dogs.
my boxer has a runny nose, he is kinda of snorting or reverse sneezing. It is not clear liquid. I thought he was choking at first, so gave him Hymlic, this did not stop, so I gave him mouth to nose, and he stopped. but now it is just what I said in the first line. Can you let me know what it could be. A runny nose can be a big deal for a dog, who has 220 million smell receptors compared to your 5 million. And while nose discharge can be a sign of something as simple as your dog's excitement that you're home, it can also be a symptom of a problem as serious as cancer. I have a 8 week old boxer girl. I bathed her today and since then she has been sniffling and seems to have snuffly nose and snot. I called the vet as I feared distemper, but he reassured me this would be rare. I wondered if anybody Else's puppy has had a cold or chill and if they got Better ok? I am taking vet tomorrow. the vet said I had to give her some amoxycillin and some rim, which I. Although a blocked nose feels like a human ailment, your dog can also contract a stuffy nose, and suffer all the same drawbacks that come with it. Humans may think that dogs don’t catch colds or can’t get hay fever, but it is absolutely possible for your dog to get a stuffy nose.