Mountain Dew Puppy Monkey Baby Agency

The new ad shows what happens when Mountain Dew is introduced to the food chain… You get a ‘freak chain’ complete with a dancing mosquito, grooving frog, head bopping fish and a twerking cat.
Mountain dew puppy monkey baby agency. Film advertisement created by BBDO, United States for Mountain Dew, within the category: Non-Alcoholic Drinks. the Super Bowl commercials were doing alright until Mountain Dew popped in with a puppy monkey baby who thought this was a good idea — Bethany Bates (@bethany_bates9) February 8, 2016 This 2016 Clio Awards Bronze winning entry titled 'Puppymonkeybaby' was entered for PepsiCo / Mountain Dew Kickstart. The piece was submitted to the medium: Film within the entry type: Product/Service and the category: Commercials (between thirty [30] seconds and sixty [60] seconds). Mountain Dew's puppy monkey baby commercial scares Super Bowl viewers Feb 08 2016 During the ad for "Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders" as the cast posed for the camera in front of a jumbo jet, my 5-year-old son got very excited, shouting at the TV, "A plane!"
Puppy Monkey Baby carried the Mountain Dew brand, and its new product Kickstart, on its viral back. Third, the creation of the Puppy Monkey Baby was for the combination of juice, Mountain Dew, and caffeine in the product Kickstart. It’s a no brainer to see how that fits. It was a bold attempt to be sincerely weird and get people talking. Mountain Dew rolled out a creature made from a puppy, a monkey and a baby while Doritos had a fetus on ultrasound reaching for a chip, in two of the most unusual spots. Puppy Monkey Baby. On 7 February 2016 for Super Bowl 50, Mountain Dew aired a spot featuring a CGI character dubbed "The puppy monkey baby" (also styled PuppyMonkeyBaby). The promotion has garnered a wide amount of media coverage, both positive and negative. Mountain Dew Puppy Monkey Baby. Client: Pepsi Co Advertising agency: BBDO, New York Production company: Smith and Jones Films Director: Ulf Johansson. Awards: Cannes Bronze, D&AD Winner, One Show Merit, Golden of Montreux Finalist x2 View our reel. Get in Touch.
Puppymonkeybaby web banner character renders. This site uses cookies. I don't use the data for anything, I just like to see where my visitors are from every once in a while! Twitter all but exploded when Mountain Dew showed its Super Bowl ad, in which a Puppy Monkey Baby gives a few dudes on a couch a new drink while repeating its own name over and over, as if it were. The Puppy Monkey Baby. Mountain Dew’s hypnotic Puppy Monkey Baby commercial was broadcast to millions of homes during Super Bowl 50, and it probably left more than one viewer thinking they just experienced a strange hallucination. The ad features a few guys hanging out on the couch shortly before a monkey/pug/baby thing from “The Island of. SANTA CLARA, California – Mountain Dew’s puppy monkey baby Super Bowl commercial didn’t go over so well with some viewers, some said it was right on the edge of being cute or creepy. The.
One of the weirdest Super Bowl commercial is Puppymonkeybaby created by BBDO, New York for Mountain Dew. There are three friends decide to stay home for the night, a surprise visitor arrives with MTN DEW Kickstart on a mission to change their minds. The agency’s more recent work includes “Puppy Monkey Baby,” 2016’s infamous crowdsourced Super Bowl spot promoting the Mountain Dew Kickstart energy drink, and “DEWnited States. Mountain Dew presents its very unique definition of three awesome things combined in time for Super Bowl 50: a "puppymonkeybaby." Three friends who planned to just chill on the couch for the night get quite an unexpected surprise. An actual puppymonkeybaby -- a creature with the legs of a baby, the tail of a monkey and the head of a puppy -- marches in with a bucket of Mountain Dew Kickstart. The Puppy Monkey Baby Mountain Dew Super Bowl Commercial 2016 (video below) is already heating up social media. The commercial promotes the new “Kickstart” drink. Mountain Dew says of the ad ” When three friends decide to stay home for the night, a surprise visitor arrives with MTN DEW Kickstart on a mission to change their minds. #.